Saturday, January 29, 2011


We went to a bowling tournamet fundraiser today for Brooklyn's school.

My cute little bowler!

She got a couple strikes, several spares and had a great time with her friends.

This is Travis cheering and clapping for Brooklyn after her first STRIKE!

I barely got her to pose for this photo...she was so busy running around with her friends in between her turns.

This little dude was{mostly}on his best behavior while we were there...I was so proud!


A rare photo of me with Travis:)

And another one! I <3 this boy.

This is my life and I love it.


  1. your family is so rad
    B is looking WAY too grown up!

  2. Oh my goodness, I love your pictures! They are all so adorable! Oh wait... maybe it's cause you all are adorable... haha, yeah that must be it. :) Lubja!


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